1. The group meets six times a year. Meetings in different locations provide an opportunity to learn about a new attraction, hotel or area in the region. Speakers provide hints for marketing for value-conscious organizations.
  2. The East Regional Tourism Marketing Cooperative consists of 25 counties. Having members in 25 counties provides an opportunity to network and create personal contacts.
  3. Members have the opportunity to participate in marketing efforts. Many of these are “pay to play” and costs are greatly reduced due to the number of participants.
  4. Each member has the opportunity to bring brochures for those in attendance to take back to their hotel, attraction or community. This provides a less expensive method of distributing your brochures to the region than direct mail.
  5. This group has a reputation of successfully working together. Many projects include smaller communities that do not have an organized visitor’s bureau.Membership Information:Maureen Lambert, CTIS Anderson/Madison County VCB 6335 S. Scatterfield Road Anderson, IN 46013 (765) 643-5633 ERTMC
    • Board of Directors President:
      Amber Caccamo, Visit DeKalb County
      Secretary: Cody Lee, Honeywell Arts
      Treasurer and Past President: Maureen Lambert, Anderson/Madison County Visitors Bureau